Schools see an increase in much-needed services - United Way Alberta Capital Region

Schools see an increase in much-needed services

August 10, 2021

Students at an All in for Youth school
Students at an All in for Youth school

We are always moved by how our community comes together to help those in need. Thanks to you, we are proud to announce we will be able to support students at a whole new level as we recover and rebuild from the pandemic.

Because of United Way supporters, we can expand our All in for Youth (AIFY) initiative services to three more schools, making AIFY services available in a total of eight schools in the Edmonton region. This will help fill in service gaps for more vulnerable students and their families.

Students at an All in for Youth school

Students at an All in for Youth school

Impact for Students on the Ground
Maureen Matthews, incoming Principal at Norwood School, shared the impact that increased AIFY services will have for students and their families.

“I have experienced it all, from having no AIFY services to partial services, to full wrap-around supports available. So, I am thrilled that my school, Norwood, will be receiving increased services this upcoming year. Students will now have access to a new success coach in addition to family therapists, a community family support worker, and after-school programming. They will also benefit from a significant increase in staff time.

I have seen the difference that these types of supports make many times throughout my career in education. I remember one of my past students was 16 when she lost her mom to cancer, the only parent in her life. Because caring wrap-around supports were available, she was able to successfully graduate high school and overcome the obstacles to her success.

Students have been under a tremendous amount of stress and pressure due to the pandemic. The increase in these wraparound services will be life changing. These services will help build the resilience and skills students need to graduate high school and participate fully in society. Additionally, they will empower participants to give back once they achieve success like I have seen them do time and time again.”

Maureen Matthews, incoming Principal at Norwood School

Maureen Matthews, incoming Principal at Norwood School

Thank You for Making a Difference
Adding three schools means All in for Youth can expand its work towards increasing high school completion rates, as graduation can mean the difference between living in poverty and not. Over the last three years, AIFY supported approximately 2,784 students at inner-city schools on their educational journey, thanks to United Way supporters. The new services expansion will help even more students achieve success in both school and in life.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your donations to United Way make a real difference, and we see it every day. Your support saves the lives of kids and makes their futures brighter,” shares Maureen.

Recipients of a Chromebook to continue schoolwork provided through All in for Youth say thank you.

All in for Youth students who received Chromebooks were able to continue their schoolwork during the pandemic.

All in for Youth students who received Chromebooks were able to continue their schoolwork and access vital support services remotely during the pandemic.