Period Promise in Schools - United Way Alberta Capital Region

Period Promise in Schools

When students don’t have access to menstrual products, they may experience anxiety, shame, and embarrassment, which can lead to them missing school, extracurricular activities, and social opportunities. 

Period Promise in Schools hero image

Period Promise is devoted to driving fundamental change and achieving menstrual equity in our schools. 

Thanks to product sponsorship from Procter & Gamble, United Ways across the province are joining together to provide free menstrual products to select schools across Alberta. 

Student Survey

Feedback from students is vital to understanding how period poverty affects youth in our community – particularly those who may be marginalized. Responses are completely anonymous, and data collected will help United Way and its partners better support the needs of people affected by period poverty and work toward achieving menstrual equity in our communities.

Take the Survey

Period Poverty & Stigma in Youth

  • More than 1 in 3 young people who menstruate didn’t feel prepared for their first period.
  • 1 in 7 have struggled to access the period products they need and 1 in 7 are worried about their ongoing ability to afford them.
  • 83% of young people have tried to hide the fact they have their period from those around them. This can lead to poor health decisions including using products for too long, using unclean alternatives, or ignoring symptoms that could be signs of larger problems.